Use "ignorance of law does not exempt from punishment|ignorance of law do not exempt from punishment" in a sentence

1. It does not exempt the operator from any other proceedings instituted against him, apart from this Act, nor derogates from any other law in force in India.

2. What punishment does the law prescribe for corruption?

3. What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime?

4. Ignorance of the law excuses no man. 

5. Therefore, Engie considers that Luxembourg did not exempt the ZORA Accretions from taxes neither endorsed any tax evasion or abuse of the national law.

6. Ignorance of the law excuses no man [one]. 

7. Ignorance of the law is no excuse of breaking it. 

8. Such a punishment coming from a loving God does not seem just.

9. Worshipers of Jehovah are not exempt.

10. Do you know the punishment for bigamy? Two mothers - in - law !

11. Curiosity, not ignorance.

12. South Carolina claimed the power to exempt its citizens from the obligation to obey federal law.

13. Pleading ignorance of the law won't help you if you are caught.

14. Señor, even though you're the alcalde of San Antonio de Bexar, it does not exempt you from military prohibitions.

15. 22 The murderer attempted to escape from law punishment by spoiling his own face.

16. Ignorance brings chaos, not knowledge.

17. If he does not, grave punishment is implied.

18. It noted that the draft Child Justice Bill does not prohibit corporal punishment in institutions accommodating children in conflict with the law

19. But male students are not exempt.

20. Chastisement is the infliction of corporal punishment as defined by law.

21. The law imposes a maximum punishment of six years in prison.

22. Don Nacio Delator does not employ fugitives from the law.

23. A. Absolver Ignorance of the law does not Absolve you of guilt if you break it.La ignorancia de la ley no te absuelve de la culpa si la violas

24. I tried not to betray my ignorance.

25. Does he not deserve a greater ‘reward’ —a severe punishment?

26. By law, Åland is politically neutral and entirely demilitarised, and residents are exempt from conscription to the Finnish Defence Forces.

27. Their income is exempt from state taxes.

28. Some students are exempt from certain exams.

29. Children are exempt from the charges.

30. Bosniaks in neighbouring Pljevelja, situated 40km east of the Bosnian border, were not exempt from violence either

31. They do not have to be a punishment for sins.

32. It's a pity, arguing from ignorance.

33. He asked sarcastically.'You should have declared that. Perfume is not exempt from import duty.'

34. No one is exempt from the storms of life.

35. State and local sales tax rates will apply to all orders from customers who do not have on record with Bling Over Bling the proper Tax Exempt Forms and State Tax Exempt Permit

36. 24 Export-oriented enterprises to export products output value reached 70 percent, was exempt from local tax exemption of income tax profits from the export tax law.

37. I would like to draw your attention to the absolutely unacceptable attempts to exempt EU languages from this overtly discriminatory law.

38. An indulgence does not forgive the guilt of sin, nor does it provide release from the eternal punishment associated with unforgiven mortal sins.

39. Therefore, God-fearing people are not exempt from the effects of violence, crime, natural disaster, or accidental death.

40. However, Kal does not escape and choose to accept his punishment.

41. Most women are exempt from reserve duty.

42. This income is totally exempt from taxation.

43. Cybercafes definitely aren’t exempt from scammers either

44. Pensioners are automatically exempt from prescription charges.

45. But it does not matter where issues of capital punishment and deterrence are concerned.

46. The law does not allow a man to derogate from his grant.

47. Bequests are exempt from federal estate taxes

48. The interest is exempt from income tax .

49. Websters dictionary and law define Censure as punishment, reprimand, admonition and act of disipline

50. Imprisonment is not a humane form of punishment.

51. 14 Only for such beings is ignorance not bliss.

52. How could justice enforce punishment if the punishment in itself was not just?

53. Virtually all students will be exempt from the tax.

54. 21 The interest is exempt from income tax .

55. Their income is exempt from state taxes.

56. Beer for personal use is exempt from duty.

57. The letter did not state that candidates were exempt from the requirement to pass all the tests.

58. Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.

59. Men in college were exempt from military service.

60. Openly gay men are exempt from military service.

61. Any profits made are totally exempt from taxation.

62. Ignorance and superstition prevent them from benefiting from modern medicine.

63. A large number of state-owned enterprises were exempt from privatisation.

64. Their opposition stems from fear and ignorance.

65. Goods of a total value not exceeding EUR 10 shall be exempt on admission.

66. The maximum punishment for bigamy is said to be two mothers - in - law .

67. Goods of a total value not exceeding EUR # shall be exempt on admission

68. Azeotropes do not follow Raoult’s Law

69. But this is the mistake of ignorance, because they do not know what the contemplative life stands for.

70. (4) The Offeror is not exempt from paying the PST under the above Exemption Licence Numbers or Exemption Certification.

71. Under such a regime ad hoc individual aid and operating aid schemes would not be exempt from notification.

72. Differential application of punishments in law based on sex, including cruel, inhuman or degrading forms of punishment;

73. “The punishment does not have the goal of causing physical pain or to abase human dignity.”

74. (4) The Contractor is not exempt from paying PST under the above Exemption Licence Numbers or Exemption Certification.

75. (a) & (b) The Ministry has not come across any case of Indian labourers serving prison sentence in Gulf countries due to not following the oral instructions of their employers or violation of law in ignorance.

76. Even the Boy Scouts aren't exempt from Trump's Boorishness

77. The interest on the money is exempt from tax.

78. 30 Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.

79. He holds retributive punishment, while he is not against the punishment which had other aims.

80. A number of CIS countries are officially exempt from Uzbekistan import duties.